This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Research Roundup

In 2019 in the UK, an estimated 885,000 people were living with dementia. Although people can still live well with dementia, exercise is one of the approaches that can help both with the management of...

Tools, guidance and key events for general practice nurses

The Royal College of Nurses is set to host the Women's Health Conference on 6 December in London. This year's theme is Inequalities in Women's Health - seizing the cusp of change and aims to examine...

The evolving role of the general practice nurse in the ARRS: Are we ready?

‘Practice Nursing provides nurses working in general practice with the tools to reach their full potential and deliver the best possible care to their patients. Our monthly journal informs and...


Tens of thousands of children and adults living with type 1 diabetes across England are set to receive an ‘artificial pancreas’ in a world-first initiative being rolled out by the NHS..

Influenza, vaccines and new developments

Influenza A is an enveloped, segmented, negative-strand RNA virus, belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae family. Influenza A viruses are divided into subtypes based on the proteins on the surface of the...

Venous eczema: an update for nurses working in primary care

Chronic venous disease develops because of an interplay between genetics and environmental factors that increases venous pressure, leading to substantial changes in the whole structure and functioning...

Developing a ‘national module’ for nurses considering a career in general practice: addressing the workforce crisis in primary care

To understand the current situation, it is important to look at the historical context. Attracting nurses into primary care has always been a challenge, and the reasons for this are complex and...


Preconception care (PCC) describes interventions that identify and modify behavioural, biomedical, and social risks among reproductive-aged women. Although PCC aims to enhance healthy pregnancy...

Quality Outcome Framework: what's your role?

‘Practice Nursing provides nurses working in general practice with the tools to reach their full potential and deliver the best possible care to their patients. Our monthly journal informs and...


Two million more GP appointments a month are being delivered for patients compared to the same month before the pandemic, as part of the NHS primary care access recovery plan..

A service improvement project to improve follow up screening rates of women with gestational diabetes

Pregnancy often serves as a catalyst for women to make positive health choices, highlighting the significance of targeting this actively engaged demographic (Thayer et al, 2020). Post-natal screening...

The experiences of internationally educated nurses who joined the nursing workforce in England

In the period 1990/1991 to 2021/2022, the percentage of new IEN Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registrants rose from 10% to 53% of the total annual number. In 2022-2023, more than 40% of new NMC...

22q11.2 Deletion syndrome: What nurses need to know

Dr Suzanne Kelleher is a consultant general paediatrician working at Ireland's largest acute paediatric hospital – Children's Health Ireland, Crumlin – and in 2017 she established the national 22qDS...

Tools, guidance and key events for general practice nurses

Now that overseas travel has resumed post-pandemic, the RCN and NaTHNaC explore the latest research and future trends in travel health nursing, in an online event on 23 March. The RCN encourages any...

The link between nutrition and mental health

The body's microbiome comprises some 200 trillion (2 x 1014) organisms and Hoffmann (2023) explains that it is adversely affected by the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) which lower the...

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Practice Nursing shares the latest clinical expertise, research and practical guidance for general practice nurses. Our goal is to help you inform your practice and inspire better patient outcomes.

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