This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Placements and portfolios: enhancing performance through experience and reflection

Despite the continued prevalence of the theory–practice gap (Aimei, 2015), there are a number of ways in which nurses and educationalists can work collaboratively to reduce this gap; one being the...

Student nurses in the primary care network: a pilot

The practice education team (PET) for South East London successfully bid for the development funds from Capital Nurse to develop and implement the project of placing students in the PCN rather than...

Health coaching: the role of the practice nurse

The emphasis being on the coachee to take personal responsibility for creating sustainable change (Whitmore, 2017). Furthermore, coaching is considered a journey; one through which people are able to...

Understanding safety-netting in remote consulting

Safety-netting advice is given to patients to prepare them for the possibility that their symptoms and signs may worsen or not resolve as expected, and to help them identify those symptoms and signs...

How to communicate effectively while wearing face masks

Communication can be defined as transaction and message creation. The process of communication occurs in the context consisting of physical space, cultural and social values, and psychological...

COVID-19 and its effect on the nursing team in primary care

April 2020 saw the development of two ‘hot hubs’ in Lewisham, at opposite ends of the borough, to which patients with a COVID-suspected diagnosis were referred. Our local primary care federation, One...

Prototyping a new minimum standard for general practice nurse education

Capital Nurse is a time limited initiative for all nurses in London, running from 2015 until 2020 funded by Health Education England (HEE), NHS England (NHSE) and NHS Improvement. The Capital Nurse...

The nurse leader as a coach: Is the tide turning?

Myriad of definitions exist that seek to describe the term coaching. These include Milner et al, (2018) who argue that coaching is a skillset that requires dialogue between a coach and the person or...

Is your pension on track?

You were excluded from the NHS Pension if employed as a practice nurse before September 1997. The effect upon your retirement prospects depends on how many years you missed out on the NHS scheme, and...

Pay, terms and conditions for primary care nursing teams

Recruitment into primary care remains slow with the number of nurses wanting to make the move out of the acute and community sectors generally outweighing the ability of general practice teams to...

Is there a place for servant leadership in nursing?

In the report a Voice to Lead (ICN, 2017), Dr Li Xiuhua, President of the Chinese Nursing Association, opines that nursing leaders should collaboratively create a longstanding sustainable development...

Men's health inequalities: a local, national and global issue

When making efforts to reduce health inequalities this means that everybody has to be provided with the same opportunities so that they are able to lead a healthy life, regardless of where they live...

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