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A guide in undertaking core clinical supervision: Supervisors' experiences in implementing core clinical supervision in general practice

02 January 2025
Volume 36 · Issue 1



Many practitioners have highlighted the value in being given protected time to undertake supervision practice as it offers the opportunity of sharing knowledge and provides feedback around good clinical practice leading to high quality patient care delivery (Rothwell et al, 2021 & Goode et al, 2024). As healthcare policies evolve, supervision practices can adapt and become embedded as part of the regulatory requirement (NHS England, 2022). However, many practitioners struggle to either embed and/or sustain core clinical supervision practices. If left to drift a workforce may become poor functioning and non-concordant with the latest regulations and standards in primary care. Therefore, general practice practitioners require guidance and support to be increasingly creative and resourceful whilst managing clinical demands.


An explorative hermeneutic phenomenology approach, using semi structured interviews was utilised to explore themes and experiences around implementing and facilitating core clinical supervision in practice.


Four key themes arose from the study. Identifying resources needed to implement core clinical supervision; Leading and managing clinical sessions; professional and personal development and quality improvement indicators.

Recommendations and Conclusion

Several recommendations are offered from the study to initiate and embed core clinical supervision in practice with emphasis on quality indicators, utilising some change management strategies and ensuring core supervision is sustainable in practice.

Core Clinical Supervision is focussed at providing a restorative activity to assist in fostering confidence and enhancing care delivery within primary care settings. Its introduction was in line with the NHS Peoples Plan (2021) and recognises that those people working within healthcare have been and still are working under significant pressure, which will influence their wellbeing and work cultures (NHS England, 2022).

It has been defined as a formal process of professional support which should be viewed as a means of encouraging self-assessment, analytical and reflective skills, and can both enable and support practitioners in clinical practice. Additionally, it has been grounded in the recognition of the importance of ongoing support, professional development, and quality improvement within the healthcare sector.

However, there has been limited evaluation as to its impact on general practice and its embedment within clinical settings since its introduction.

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