The importance of celebrating GPNs this summer

02 July 2023
Volume 34 · Issue 7

Wow, the summer has certainly arrived, for some greatly received, for others it's a time of finding shade trying to keep cool. Please remember to stay hydrated, take regular breaks and keep safe.

Friday 16 June was another hot sunny day where hundreds of us came together to celebrate London GPNs in the spectacular Regents Park University grounds, in the middle of Regent's Park.

All five London Lead Training Hubs working together, with NHSE collaborating on another exceptional event. Teamwork at its best.

The legendary Kenny Gibson, Deputy Director for NHS Safeguarding was MC for the day, and he didn't disappoint. His energy, singing, and ability to encourage 300+ GPNs and speakers to dance together in the aisle was superb.

We had many fabulous speakers attend. Dame Elizabeth Anionwu was inspiring, as ever and Dr Crystal Oldman, CE QNI, talked about the history and current relevance of the QNI to GPNs today. Whilst Monique Audiferren outlined the NHS National GPN Programme priorities to support recruitment, retention and development of the GPN workforce.

There were simply too many to name individually but know that it was an extraordinary day and I thank everybody that presented and of course to all the GPNs that joined us.

The day was about celebrating GPNs however, in-between clinical presentations, dancing, BBQ, and ice creams, there were significant take-home messages:

  • Lift your head and use your collective voice to influence.
  • Progress is being made with primary care nursing workforce plan.
  • You are valued by training hubs, regional and national nursing teams.
  • Listen to lived experience re: lower limbs oedema.
  • 5S framework for diabetes treatments.
  • Measuring waist for diabetic liver disease.

It was great to hear all the clinical sessions speak to us as citizens with conditions ourselves – rather than simply clinicians.

The day was a great success. My favourite quote of the day: ‘Today was the hug that I needed.’

Keeping in the spirit of celebrating, on 5 July we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the NHS. We would love to hear how you are going to mark this special birthday by tagging us @PNjournal using the hashtag #NHSturns75.

‘Practice Nursing provides nurses working in general practice with the tools to reach their full potential and deliver the best possible care to their patients. Our monthly journal informs and inspires by providing up-to-date, evidence-based clinical articles, highlighting key professional issues and promoting the latest research in general practice.’