This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Clinical Focus

Sexual history taking in primary care

STIs still carry a degree of stigma in society and to enable a patient to feel free to disclose information to the health professional they need to be confident that their privacy will be respected....

Supporting people to self-manage their allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis symptoms that are not controlled lead to adverse effects that significantly impact quality of life; these include headache, sore throat, hearing problems, sleep disturbance, poor...

Recurrent venous leg ulcers: management in general practice

Once the VLU has healed, the focus needs to be on the prevention of recurrence. However, despite the high recurrence rate and associated costs of treating open ulceration, current Commissioning for...

Cardiovascular disease: the gender divide

According to statistics from the British Heart Foundation (BHF) there are 830 000 women in the UK living with coronary heart disease (CHD), and around 380 000 women in the UK have survived a heart...

Conversations of opportunity in diabetes care

Consultations in healthcare practice are often described as a science; the process of gathering and extracting information in a structured manner with the aim of arriving at a care planning...

Understanding personal asthma action plans

The National Review of Asthma Deaths (NRAD) (Royal College of Physicians, 2014) investigated the clinical records of 195 adults and children who died of asthma between February 2012 and January 2013....

Understanding the pathogenesis of heart failure

Normally, cardiac physiology is able to meet the body's metabolic demand through sufficient cardiac output (CO) defined as stroke volume (ml) eg 70 ml, x heart rate (beats per minute) e.g. 70b pm,...

Remote asthma consultations in primary care

In a speech on the future of healthcare delivered in July 2020, Matt Hancock, the secretary of state for health and social care, said that ‘Coronavirus has catalysed deep structural shifts in...

Management of bleeding in women on HRT

Post-menopausal bleeding is defined as unscheduled vaginal bleeding that occurs a year after the last natural menstrual period (SIGN, 2002), or any breakthrough bleeding on cyclical HRT, or...

Managing diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic

The virus responsible for the disease known as COVID-19 was identified as SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), which belongs to the coronavirus group of viruses that commonly...

Understanding and supporting children and young people with eating disorders

Eating disorders most often develop between the age of 15 and 35 years. With approximately 0.3–0.5% of the population up to 18 years developing anorexia nervosa, it is nevertheless a relatively rare...

Travel and COVID-19: what the practice nurse needs to know

On 4 July 2020, UK travel advice changed, with exemptions for travelling to certain countries and territories no longer considered to pose an unacceptably high risk for UK travellers. The UK...

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