This website is intended for healthcare professionals

22q11.2 Deletion syndrome: What nurses need to know

Dr Suzanne Kelleher is a consultant general paediatrician working at Ireland's largest acute paediatric hospital – Children's Health Ireland, Crumlin – and in 2017 she established the national 22qDS...

Tools, guidance and key events for general practice nurses

Now that overseas travel has resumed post-pandemic, the RCN and NaTHNaC explore the latest research and future trends in travel health nursing, in an online event on 23 March. The RCN encourages any...

The link between nutrition and mental health

The body's microbiome comprises some 200 trillion (2 x 1014) organisms and Hoffmann (2023) explains that it is adversely affected by the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) which lower the...

How can the NHS retain its nurses without improving pay?

‘Practice Nursing provides nurses working in general practice with the tools to reach their full potential and deliver the best possible care to their patients. Our monthly journal informs and...

Vaginal symptoms in the menopause: cause, impact and treatment combination options

A combination of vaginal, vulval and / or urinary symptoms comes under the umbrella term – GSM (genitourinary syndrome of the menopause) but is historically termed vaginal atrophy (VA), and more...

Diagnosing and managing psoriasis in primary care

There are several types of psoriasis, some more common than others. Chronic plaque psoriasis is the commonest type accounting for more than 80% of cases (Yoo, 2023) and can occur as large plaque,...

Health in 2040: What does the future hold for primary care?

Sam Feltham, Director of the Public Health Collaboration (PHC) Public Health Collaboration – a UK-registered charity dedicated to promoting a society where everyone enjoys good metabolic health, and...


Each year globally, burns cause the deaths of around 96 000 people aged under 20 years, with children especially susceptible. This is cited by van Balen et al (2023), whose review considers the...

Tools, guidance and key events for general practice nurses

Millions of parents and carers in England are being urged to book their children in for their missed measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine as part of a major new NHS drive to protect children from...

From policy to practice: creating a smokefree generation

In 2019, the Government published Advancing Our Health: Prevention in the 2020s announcing the ambition for England to become ‘smokefree’ by 2030 (achieved when 5% or less of the population smoke).


The importance of identifying and treating malnourished patients

For UK Healthcare Professionals. Alliance Pharmaceuticals. Promotional content. Malnutrition is a common yet under-recognised condition, that can reduce quality of life and increase hospitalisation...

What will the new year bring for nurses?

Practice Nursing provides nurses working in general practice with the tools to reach their full potential and deliver the best possible care to their patients. Our monthly journal informs and...

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Practice Nursing shares the latest clinical expertise, research and practical guidance for general practice nurses. Our goal is to help you inform your practice and inspire better patient outcomes.

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