This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Insights into what people think: being smart with advice on smoking

‘I don't care. I'm happy to be a smoker. It's my only outlet. I don't go out. I don't do anything else. I'm quite happy to be a smoker.’ Bluegrass/Social housing, Northern coastal town. Aged 35-44

Breastfeeding and medication for long-term conditions

When prescribing to breastfeeding women we need to be aware that some of the drug which she takes is likely to pass to the baby via breastmilk. The British National Formulary (BNF) is not always a...

Consultation in out-of-hours practice: a clinical review of Lyme disease

Consultation models were originally developed as a means to explore and understand the psychological aspects of doctor-patient consultations, in addition to providing a structure to the process...

Supporting patients living with obesity in general practice

Provision of weight management services is criticised as patchy and inconsistent (Royal College of Physicians, 2015; Hazlehurst et al, 2020), despite well-evidenced need. Excess weight continues to...

COPD diagnosis delays: the role of general practice nurses

Up to 46 000 people missed out on a COPD diagnosis in 2021 (Department of Health and Social care, 2022), driven by lack of access to services such as spirometry..

Urban planning encouraging detours could be beneficial for older people

Dementia affects some 50 million people worldwide, and prevalence data show that an estimated 12.5% of people above the age of 60, and 17.3% of those aged over 85 years are affected by severe...

Tools, guidance and key events for general practice nurses

The Self Care Forum have created a factsheet to help people practice self-care. The factsheet called ‘The POWER of Self Care’ aims to give people the power to take control of their lives. POWER stands...

What has the RCN done for you lately?

‘Practice Nursing provides nurses working in general practice with the tools to reach their full potential and deliver the best possible care to their patients. Our monthly journal informs and...

News Focus

Companies offering private blood tests for a range of health conditions and vitamin deficiencies are piling the pressure on general practice, according to the BMA..

Vaginal atrophy: what is it and how can it be treated?

The main symptoms of vaginal atrophy are vaginal dryness and irritation (Palacios et al, 2020; BMS, 2021). Table 2 shows the whole range of symptoms that can occur..

SGLT2 inhibitors in type 2 diabetes: time to flozinate?

SGLT2 inhibitors, sometimes also referred to as ‘gliflozins’ or ‘flozins’ are an established class of medications, which are licensed for the treatment of (Table 1):.

Red legs: how to differentiate between cellulitis, venous eczema and lipodermatosclerosis

Cellulitis is an acute infection of the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin, often occurring after a local skin trauma (Bailey and Kroshinsky, 2011)..

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