This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Men’s health

Urinary incontinence in men: what the practice nurse needs to know

Urinary incontinence has been defined by the International Continence Society (ICS) as ‘any involuntary leakage of urine’ (Abrams et al, 2003; Haylen et al, 2010). NHS England (2018) estimate that, in...

Sexual history taking in primary care

STIs still carry a degree of stigma in society and to enable a patient to feel free to disclose information to the health professional they need to be confident that their privacy will be respected....

Management pathways for erectile dysfunction in primary care

Epidemiological evidence suggests that 8% of men in their 40s report moderate or complete ED and this increases to 40% of men in their 60s (McKinlay, 2000). Risk factors for developing ED are shown in...

Men's health inequalities: a local, national and global issue

When making efforts to reduce health inequalities this means that everybody has to be provided with the same opportunities so that they are able to lead a healthy life, regardless of where they live...

The role of primary care in preventing male suicide

The ONS (2019) report states that there were 6507 suicides in the UK and 352 in Ireland in 2018, and that the UK male suicide rate of 17.2 deaths per 100 000 represents a significant increase from the...

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